Week 3 of our series "Re(Discovering)Church: A Journey THROUGH Acts TOWARD Acts" addresses a beautiful promise of reward we get to look forward to: Our Blessed Hope!
Pastor Chris, New Life's Student Pastor, delivers an encouraging Word of the promise, hope, joy, and love we have to look forward to. The moment our Lord and Savior comes to collect His followers! That moment and perspective will be drastically different for non-believers and non-followers of Christ, tho. To them, it will NOT be a moment of hope, but of chaos, pain, misery, and tribulation.
Watch, listen, and accept Jesus as your Savior (if you haven't already), so you too will be called to Him on that day of BLESSED HOPE!!!
Acts 1:9-11
Similarities between Heaven & The Garden:
1- God's Presence Is Available Everywhere
2- Made For Those In Relationship With God
3- Home For Those In Relationship With God
1. We Will See Jesus Face-To-Face
*Titus 2:13
*Revelation 21:4
2. We Will Be With Our Loved Ones In Christ
*1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
*Matthew 7:21-23
3. Heaven Will Be Our Home
*Philippians 3:20
*John 14:2-3